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Batiste - 3 x Dry Shampoo Blush 200 ml



Innihald (ml)
Batiste Blush captures the essence of femininity and with the flirty floral scent makes the surroundings turn after you. A few quick sprays give the feeling of clean hair and give the hair fullness and texture. Application: Shake well before useThe spr…
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Batiste Blush captures the essence of femininity and with the flirty floral scent makes the surroundings turn after you. A few quick sprays give the feeling of clean hair and give the hair fullness and texture.


  • Shake well before use
  • The spray is applied at a distance of 30 cm. away from the hair
  • Apply lightly and evenly across the scalp
  • Use your fingertips to distribute the product around the hair
  • Let it work for a brief moment
  • The product is then brushed out of the hair with a comb or brush


  • Bastiste Dry Shampoo Blush
  • Dry shampoo
  • Gives your hair freshness when you have to skip a wash
  • Fighting the greasy hair
  • Gives volume to your hair
  • Has a heavenly scent
  • Quick and easy to use
  • Can be used with extensions
  • Can be used by all skin types

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SKU númer
Batiste - 3 x Dry Shampoo Blush 200 ml
Innihald (ml)

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