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by Lassen - Kubus 4 Black 14 cm


by Lassen

Kubus 4 candlestick was designed in 1962 by Morgens Lassen, after he had been commissioned to design a newly opened restaurant. When the first examples were produced, only close friends, architects and family were privileged to have it in their homes, bu…
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Kubus 4 candlestick was designed in 1962 by Morgens Lassen, after he had been commissioned to design a newly opened restaurant. When the first examples were produced, only close friends, architects and family were privileged to have it in their homes, but today it is available to all design lovers worldwide and has become a recognized design icon. The cubic, functionalist candlestick is still produced today in Denmark by skilled professionals.

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by Lassen - Kubus 4 Black 14 cm
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