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CATIT - Water Softening Filter Triple Action 6pcs - (785.0363)



The Catit Triple Action Fountain Filters are not designed to cure any disease or illness, however these filters do help remove bacteria and chlorine odors and filter out debris. The filters help soften the minerals like magnesium and calcium in the tap w…
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The Catit Triple Action Fountain Filters are not designed to cure any disease or illness, however these filters do help remove bacteria and chlorine odors and filter out debris. The filters help soften the minerals like magnesium and calcium in the tap water to help prevent urinary tract diseases.

The Catit Triple Action Fountain Filters are suitable for the Catit 2.0 Flower Fountain (1211109) and the Catit Design Cat Drinking Fountain - 3 L/100 fl oz

The filters are available in a pack of 2 or pack of 6

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CATIT - Water Softening Filter Triple Action 6pcs - (785.0363)

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