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Dantoy - Green Bean - Bucket set (2625)



  • ce-marking
A fine bucket set from dantoy's green series, Green Bean, contains, among other things, a shovel and sand mold. The set offers ample opportunity for sensory play and exploration in nature with sand and water. The colors will vary from set to set and have…
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A fine bucket set from dantoy's green series, Green Bean, contains, among other things, a shovel and sand mold. The set offers ample opportunity for sensory play and exploration in nature with sand and water. The colors will vary from set to set and have different, changing structures and shades. The bucket set is a Danish-made toy from dantoy. The set consists of 5 parts in fine colours, which may vary slightly due to the production process. Recommended age group for this product is 2+ years.

  • Produced in Denmark

  • Contains no harmful substances

  • Machine washable

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SKU númer
Dantoy - Green Bean - Bucket set (2625)

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