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Dantoy - TINY BIO sand set, 43 pcs (6970)



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The large sand set is ideal for playing and learning in the sandbox or on the beach. Playing outdoors with sand and water strengthens the children's motor skills and senses as well as their social skills in role-play with other children. tiny BIO sand se…
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The large sand set is ideal for playing and learning in the sandbox or on the beach. Playing outdoors with sand and water strengthens the children's motor skills and senses as well as their social skills in role-play with other children. tiny BIO sand set is produced in Denmark and made of bioplastic. The sand set consists of many different parts, which give the set great play value. All parts are available in muted, natural colors and are machine washable. From 10+ months.

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Dantoy - TINY BIO sand set, 43 pcs (6970)

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