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Dinosaur Planet - Spray T-Rex w/Light & Sound (RS61-100A)

  • ce-marking toys-warning-mark
With this remote-controlled dinosaur, you get to discover our prehistory in a fun way! The dinosaur has a lot of cool and realistic features - when you press the remote control, you will experience how the dinosaur moves lively across the floor. In addi…
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With this remote-controlled dinosaur, you get to discover our prehistory in a fun way!

The dinosaur has a lot of cool and realistic features - when you press the remote control, you will experience how the dinosaur moves lively across the floor. In addition, you can make the dinosaur give a big roar to impress. The coolest feature, though, is that you can make the dinosaur spew fire! This is because steam can come out of its mouth. This works with red lights to make it look like dangerous fire. You will not find a much cooler dinosaur than this one, which will probably impress the friends.

Product information:

  • Included are 3 x AA batteries for the dinosaur
  • Remote control uses 2 x AA batteries (not included)
  • Dimensions: 11.5 cm x 26 cm x 52 cm
  • Age: 3+

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Dinosaur Planet - Spray T-Rex w/Light & Sound (RS61-100A)
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