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DIY Kit - Maxi Creative Kit - Crepe Paper (97088)



  • ce-marking
Contents: crepe paper, flower stems, stamens, watercolour marker, water atomiser, glitter, bonzai thread, ball, glue, bone folder. With this kit you can create lots of crepe paper flowers. Includes all the materials, templates and instructions you need. …
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Contents: crepe paper, flower stems, stamens, watercolour marker, water atomiser, glitter, bonzai thread, ball, glue, bone folder.

With this kit you can create lots of crepe paper flowers. Includes all the materials, templates and instructions you need.

If you’re dreaming of making lots of flowers in crepe paper, this creative kit has everything you need. You get stencils for nine different flowers and leaves, along witht a watercolour marker and a water atomiser, so you can colour in petals and stamens. Remember to only colour one side. The necessary instructions are included, but you can also freely use the materials to play with your own flower designs.

You can collect the flowers into a lovely bouquet and place them in a vase, or you can use them to make beautiful wreaths.

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SKU númer
DIY Kit - Maxi Creative Kit - Crepe Paper (97088)
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Packaging data
Package weight
105 g

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