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Dr. Kerklaan - Natural CBD PMS Cream 59 ml

Innihald (ml)
Natural CBD PMS Cream can help ease menstrual tension and other discomforts associated with menstruation. The naturally occurring cannabidiols in the cream can help relieve tension and ease cramps, and reduce discomfort up to and during menstruation. The…
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Natural CBD PMS Cream can help ease menstrual tension and other discomforts associated with menstruation.

The naturally occurring cannabidiols in the cream can help relieve tension and ease cramps, and reduce discomfort up to and during menstruation.

The scent of vanilla and verbena affects the senses and gives you more peace and well-being.

The cream is lubricating and nourishing for the skin, and is very easily distributed on both the stomach and lower back as needed.

Like all products from Dr. Kerklaan Therapeutics is completely THC-free, and thus non-psychoactive and completely safe to use.


  • Use the cream on areas such as the lower back or stomach as desired and needed.

  • Content 6 mg of CBD per 2 ml dose.

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Dr. Kerklaan - Natural CBD PMS Cream 59 ml
Innihald (ml)

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