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Eva Solo - Digital Outdoor Thermometer New Model (567768)


Eva Solo

With Eva Solo Thermometer reads you the temperature clearly within. The thermometer is fitted using double-sided tape and magnets. Use the tape to attach the black ring to the outside of the window. Then place the thermometer directly over the black ring…
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With Eva Solo Thermometer reads you the temperature clearly within. The thermometer is fitted using double-sided tape and magnets. Use the tape to attach the black ring to the outside of the window. Then place the thermometer directly over the black ring, where it is held in place by magnets. The thermometer sits in the window discreetly and elegantly, and can easily be removed to clean the window. The temperature is displayed in Celsius

Useful information about Eva Solo Digital Outdoor Thermometer

  • Size:
  • Material: Stainless steel, Plastic
  • Easy to read – digital screen
  • Mounted on the outside of window
  • Temperature shown in Celsius (°C)

Eva Solo - 100 years of Danish design

Eva Solo designer Danish home accessories and cookware in a beautiful and exclusive design that combines aesthetics , functionality and high quality . They design tools that is a pleasure to look at, use and own.

The history of the company dates as far back as 1913, but the Eva brand had its major breakthrough in 1952 with a bread and meat slicing machine that went on to become a design classic. The first of many. Today, the products are divided into several collections which are marketed worldwide. But the essence is still the same: aesthetics, functionality and quality.

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Eva Solo - Digital Outdoor Thermometer New Model (567768)

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