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Eva Solo - Green Tool - Microwave steamer (531413)


Eva Solo

Retain vitamins, flavours and crunch by steaming vegetables in the microwave rather than boiling them. The steamer makes preparation simple: Arrange the vegetables in the steamer, add a few tablespoons of water and put the lid on. Microwaved at 900 W, th…
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Retain vitamins, flavours and crunch by steaming vegetables in the microwave rather than boiling them. The steamer makes preparation simple: Arrange the vegetables in the steamer, add a few tablespoons of water and put the lid on. Microwaved at 900 W, the vegetables will be ready within minutes.

Steaming makes it easier to control the temperature while retaining all the beneficial vitamins in the vegetables. Of course, the simple, stylishly designed steamer can be taken directly to the dining table. The practical handle does not conduct heat, so no potholders needed.

Easy preparation of tasty vegetables directly in the microwave
Vegetables retain their vitamins and bite
Steaming allows you to control the temperature and the cooking more easily
Practical handle for carrying the bowl directly to the table
Materials: Glass, Plastic
Design by: Tools®
Size: Diameter: 22 cm, Height: 8.5 cm

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Eva Solo - Green Tool - Microwave steamer (531413)
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