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GOSH - Glow Up 002 Bronze

Glow Up Cream Highlighter blends quickly into the skin, brightens and leaves you with a beautiful, light-reflecting glow. The soft tube and built-in sponge make the product perfect to have on-the-go, but also easy to apply and blend out in no time. Glow …
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Glow Up Cream Highlighter blends quickly into the skin, brightens and leaves you with a beautiful, light-reflecting glow.

The soft tube and built-in sponge make the product perfect to have on-the-go, but also easy to apply and blend out in no time. Glow Up plays with the light and adds a radiant finish to your makeup look.

Use alone or with Shape Up or Blush Up.


Opening the product: Remove the lid and turn the tip to “On” to open the product.

Application: Press the tube lightly until you see the product appear at the top of the applicator.

Dab a little Cream Highlighter along your cheekbones with the applicator and blend upwards towards the temples with a sponge, brush or your fingers.

Remember to turn the tip back to "Off" when you have finished using the product. Then you avoid it running out.

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GOSH - Glow Up 002 Bronze

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