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Halo: The Master Chief Collection (Import) - Xbox One



. In a salute to fans, Master Chief's entire story is finally available on one system!The Master Chief Collectionwill be featuring a beautifully re-mastered Halo 2: Anniversary, along withHalo: Combat Evolved Anniversary,Halo 3, and Halo 4, the new digi…
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In a salute to fans, Master Chief's entire story is finally available on one system!The Master Chief Collectionwill be featuring a beautifully re-mastered Halo 2: Anniversary, along withHalo: Combat Evolved Anniversary,Halo 3, and Halo 4, the new digital seriesHalo: Nightfall, and access to theHalo 5: Guardians Beta--seriously guys, this is the full Halo experience.

It seems Microsoft and 343 Industries' goal withMCCis to familiarize new players with the expansive story in preparation forHalo 5'srelease, but they are doing so much more than just upgrading some textures.Halo 2willhave extra narrative points scattered throughout the game, a sort of breadcrumb trail left by the developers to give players a deeper and more detailed understanding of the Arbiter.Blur Studiois also creating a narrative for the prologue and epilogue of theMaster Chief Collectionas well as roughly 50 minutes of cinematics; designed for those who haven't delved into the franchise'svast amounts of expanded fiction.

Returning veterans (all players, really) will enjoy the fact thatevery campaign mission from every game is unlocked from the start!This gives343 Industries the chance to introduce curated playlists that allows you to jump around the best moments from all four games' campaigns back to back.

Like it's predecessor you will be able to instantly switch between old and new graphics, and when theysay instantly theymean it. There is no pause when you make the swap, in fact the live demo during the presentation showed the player jumping back and forth between the two, in the middle of battle, with no technical reprecussions.

The Halo love doesn't slow down there: every map that's ever shipped for aHalogame is included in the MCC, that even includes maps that wereexclusive to PC ports of the first two titles. Six of Halo 2's classic maps have received a complete graphicaloverhaul.

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  • Undirtexti: Rússneska
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  • Undirtexti: Ítalska
  • Undirtexti: Þýska
SKU númer
Halo: The Master Chief Collection (Import)
Auka upplýsingar
  • PEGI: 16+
Xbox One
USK á Disk
  • USK á Disk: 16+

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