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House Doctor - Pearl Ornaments - Gold (257873052)

A little gold goes a long way and this set of 3 handmade ornaments adds the final detail to your home this Christmas. Create your own Advent wreath by combining the Pearl ornaments with other ornaments or hang them on the wall. You could even hang them i…
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A little gold goes a long way and this set of 3 handmade ornaments adds the final detail to your home this Christmas. Create your own Advent wreath by combining the Pearl ornaments with other ornaments or hang them on the wall. You could even hang them in the doorway as a new take on the traditional mistletoe. Wherever you place the ornaments from House Doctor, the colour and glass beads create a sophisticated and festive look in your home.

Size: w: 18 cm, h: 20 cm, d: 0.5 cm
Material: Brass, Glass Beads

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SKU númer
House Doctor - Pearl Ornaments - Gold (257873052)

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