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ILIA - True Skin Serum Concealer Wasabi SC2.75 5 ml



The light and creamy concealer provides medium coverage with a silky, serum-like texture that penetrates seamlessly into the skin. Enriched with stabilized vitamin C and bark from silk acacia. True Skin Serum Concealer protects the skin against free radi…
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The light and creamy concealer provides medium coverage with a silky, serum-like texture that penetrates seamlessly into the skin. Enriched with stabilized vitamin C and bark from silk acacia. True Skin Serum Concealer protects the skin against free radicals and environmental damage, while helping to stabilize and nourish the skin's surface. Mastic, a resin from a tree that grows on the Greek island of Chios, provides a matte and fine effect throughout the day. Feels almost weightless and instantly reduces the visibility of dark circles and pigment spots, giving a fantastic and flawless radiance.

The light and creamy concealer provides medium coverage with a silky, serum-like texture that penetrates seamlessly into the skin. Enriched with stabilized vitamin C and bark from silk acacia. True Skin Serum Concealer protects the skin against free radicals and environmental damage, while helping to stabilize and nourish the skin's surface. Mastic, a resin from a tree that grows on the Greek island of Chios, provides a matte and fine effect throughout the day. Feels almost weightless and instantly reduces the visibility of dark circles and pigment spots, giving a fantastic and flawless radiance.


  • First prepare the skin with 3-4 drops of True Skin Radiant Priming Serum. Allow to dry to a soft, touch-dry finish.

  • Apply 3 small dabs of concealer under each eye and around the areas where you want to even out the skin tone.

  • Blend gently with our True Skin Complexion Brush.

  • Finish by using a fingertip to dab the product completely into the skin.

  • Finish with Soft Focus Finishing Powder.

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SKU númer
ILIA - True Skin Serum Concealer Wasabi SC2.75 5 ml
Wasabi SC2.75
Innihald (ml)

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