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Kodanska - Danish Summer Easter Eggs - Pink



Easter Egg from Kodanska is in a unique color and has been created through several layers of glass on top of each other and the individual egg is therefore 100% unique. The mouth-blown Easter Eggs are fresh and bright in color and add an extra touch to y…
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Easter Egg from Kodanska is in a unique color and has been created through several layers of glass on top of each other and the individual egg is therefore 100% unique. The mouth-blown Easter Eggs are fresh and bright in color and add an extra touch to ypur easter decorations.

Size: H 9 x D 6 cm

The colors have been selected and developed especially for the Danish Summer collection and give you the opportunity to create a personal expression that appeals to you. Whether you decorate with a playful play of colors or tone-on-tone shades.

The designer behind the Danish Summer collection, Marie Graff, has been inspired by the wet, late Danish summer, where the surface reproduces both large and small raindrops. The Danish Summer Tumbler is mouth-blown and rounded in a wooden mold in the Czech Republic, where Marie lived with her family for a number of years. It was here that she started the interior design company Kodanska, which means Copenhagen Street in Czech.

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Kodanska - Danish Summer Easter Eggs - Pink
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