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Kodanska - Flow Mug - Ocean



The colors are chosen based on a playful approach to furnishing with the use of broken glass, which in the process develops into stripes. Our wish is that Flow creates joy and becomes an aesthetic, colorful and artistic addition to the home. The designe…
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The colors are chosen based on a playful approach to furnishing with the use of broken glass, which in the process develops into stripes. Our wish is that Flow creates joy and becomes an aesthetic, colorful and artistic addition to the home.

The designer Marie Graff has been inspired by the expression 'go with the flow' during the development of the Flow collection. She has experimented with the process, the unpredictability of glass art and the materials, which both consist of broken glass and fabric scraps. Flow Mug is mouth-blown in the Czech Republic, where Marie lived with her family for a number of years. It was here that she started the interior design company Kodanska, which means Copenhagen Street in Czech

Since Flow Mugs are made of three layers of glass, the color intensity, pattern and overall expression of each glass will be unique.

Size: H 9 x D 7 cm - 25 cl

Washing instructions:

Tolerates hot drinks, but we advise against pouring boiling water directly into the glass to avoid the glass bursting.

Can be washed in a dishwasher on a gentle glass program, so the glass is kept beautiful for a long time."

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Kodanska - Flow Mug - Ocean
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