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MM - Mini Breathalyzer



Introducing the mm Mini Breathalyzer - perfect for promoting responsible and enjoyable nightlife experiences! With a warm-up time of just 10 seconds, this compact device quickly becomes ready for use. It allows users to blow into it for a maximum of 10 s…
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Introducing the mm Mini Breathalyzer - perfect for promoting responsible and enjoyable nightlife experiences! With a warm-up time of just 10 seconds, this compact device quickly becomes ready for use. It allows users to blow into it for a maximum of 10 seconds, providing prompt and accurate breath alcohol level measurement. The response time is lightning-fast, taking less than 5 seconds to display the results on its user-friendly screen. To conserve battery and ensure efficiency, the breathalyzer automatically shuts down 10 seconds after the test results have been displayed. The mm Mini Breathalyzer is not only a practical safety device but also an excellent conversation starter, making it a must-have novelty gadget for your customers.

  • Sensor: High sensitivity direct heating sensor

  • Test range: 0.00-0.19% BAC - 0.0-1.9 g/l

  • Charging voltage: DC5V

  • Warm-up time: 10 seconds

  • Blowing time: within 10 seconds

  • Response time: < 5 seconds

  • Automatic shutdown: 10 seconds after the test results have been displayed

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MM - Mini Breathalyzer

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