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Nofred - Mouse Chair School - Oak



Create a study place close to you. Give your child time with the books and support their homework with a pleasant place to sit and work. Mouse school set can be placed in the entire home, also near you. Pair it with Nofred's Mouse Table School to creat…
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Create a study place close to you

Give your child time with the books and support their homework with a pleasant place to sit and work. Mouse school set can be placed in the entire home, also near you. 

  • Pair it with Nofred's Mouse Table School to create a complete award-winning study space.
  • The height and size provide useful seating for children from age 6 to 10.
  • A functional of study space, that can withstand daily use and is easy to clean. With the iconic Mouse School Chair, your child can get their own study space to do homework. The chair is designed to support your child’s learning and creativity when school begins. The nature of our high-quality design makes it suited for everyday living.
  • W:40 x D:33 x H:64 cm (seat height: 40 cm)

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Nofred - Mouse Chair School - Oak

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