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Payot - My Payot Radiance Sleep Mask 50 ml



My Payot Radiance Sleep Mask contains 97% natural ingredients that, while you sleep, rebuild and recharge your skin and its natural glow. Signs of fatigue disappear and the skin looks radiantly clear and fresh. Application: Apply a thin layer all over th…
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My Payot Radiance Sleep Mask contains 97% natural ingredients that, while you sleep, rebuild and recharge your skin and its natural glow.

Signs of fatigue disappear and the skin looks radiantly clear and fresh.


  • Apply a thin layer all over the face (avoiding the eye area) on clean, dry skin in the evening and leave on while you sleep.

  • Cleanse the skin the next morning and follow your daily skincare routine.

  • Tip: Use the mask once or twice a week and skip your night cream on those days.

Key Ingredients:

  • Hyaluronic acid - moisturizes the skin

  • Acaï berry - creates balance in the skin and protects

  • Goji berries - boosts the skin's natural moisture content

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Payot - My Payot Radiance Sleep Mask 50 ml
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