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Payot - Payot Nue Bi-phase Makeup Remover for Eyes & Lips 100 ml



Payot Bi-Phase Make-Up Remover For Eyes and Lips is an effective make-up remover that can be used by everyone, regardless of skin type - even by contact lens users. The light water- and oil-like texture is intended to dissolve waterproof and long-lasting…
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Payot Bi-Phase Make-Up Remover For Eyes and Lips is an effective make-up remover that can be used by everyone, regardless of skin type - even by contact lens users.

The light water- and oil-like texture is intended to dissolve waterproof and long-lasting make-up while soothing and caring for the skin.

The active ingredients in the make-up remover consist, among other things, of organic orange blossom flower water, which has a very softening and soothing effect.

In addition, the product is enriched with micellar molecules that act as magnets that capture make-up and impurities so that they can be easily rinsed off.

The make-up remover from Payot is fragrance- and dye-free!

Key Ingredients:

  • Organic orange blossom flower water - softening, caring and nourishing.

  • Watercress extract - loosens pollution particles in the skin and cleanses in depth.

  • Natural micellar molecules - here extracted from corn. Acts as a magnet that captures pollution and dirt and grime.


  • To use the product, shake it well before use and soak a cotton pad with makeup remover.

  • Place the cotton pads on the eyes and leave them for a moment to dissolve the makeup.

  • Gently wipe over the eyes, always from the root of the lashes towards the tips. The product must not be rinsed off.

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SKU númer
Payot - Payot Nue Bi-phase Makeup Remover for Eyes & Lips 100 ml

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