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Payot - Payot Suprême Youth Hand Cream 50 ml



Innihald (ml)
Supreme Youth Hand Cream from Payot is a fantastic hand care that will pamper and care for your hands in the best way. This nourishing hand cream comes in a practical size of 50 ml, so you can easily take it with you everywhere. With Supreme Youth Hand C…
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Supreme Youth Hand Cream from Payot is a fantastic hand care that will pamper and care for your hands in the best way.

This nourishing hand cream comes in a practical size of 50 ml, so you can easily take it with you everywhere. With Supreme Youth Hand Cream you can give your hands the love and care they deserve.

This hand cream is enriched with nourishing ingredients that moisturize and soften the skin, while protecting against drying out and signs of aging. Use this hand cream daily to achieve soft and well-groomed hands. Massage a small amount into the skin until fully absorbed.

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Payot - Payot Suprême Youth Hand Cream 50 ml
Innihald (ml)

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