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Scandinavian Collection - Airfryer 5,8L

Make the crispiest fries and chicken without added oil. The smart thing about an AirFryer is that it can cook crispy food without requiring fattening oil. An AirFryer is guaranteed to be a huge hit with the whole family! It is only the imagination that s…
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Make the crispiest fries and chicken without added oil. The smart thing about an AirFryer is that it can cook crispy food without requiring fattening oil. An AirFryer is guaranteed to be a huge hit with the whole family! It is only the imagination that sets limits to what can be cooked juicy and crispy in an AirFryer

  • Large capacity of 5.8 l
  • High power of 1500W
  • 12 preset programs
  • Elegant design
  • 60-200 degrees
  • Hours: 1-90 minutes

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Scandinavian Collection - Airfryer 5,8L

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