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Speedlink - Jazz USB Charger For Xbox Series X/S

. The JAZZ USB Charger will charge your wireless gamepads for Xbox Series X® and S quickly and reliably. The compact charging station is powered directly by the console or any other USB port (at least 500mA) – such as on your PC or notebook. The device c…
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The JAZZ USB Charger will charge your wireless gamepads for Xbox Series X® and S quickly and reliably. The compact charging station is powered directly by the console or any other USB port (at least 500mA) – such as on your PC or notebook. The device can charge up to two controllers at the same time, and will keep them securely in place.


  • Charging station for original controllers for Xbox Series X®, S and Xbox One®
  • Stable standing
  • Convenient clip-on system
  • Charge via the console or any USB port
  • Simultaneously charge up to two controllers
  • 2 battery packs and 4 battery flaps for Series X/S and One
  • Detachable Micro-USB charging cable
  • Status LEDs
  • Cable length: 1.5m

EAN: 4027301525045 / SL-260002

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SKU númer
Speedlink - Jazz USB Charger For Xbox Series X/S
Auka upplýsingar
Xbox Series X

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