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Speedlink - Sateen Ergonomic Keyboard Wristpad - Wrist Rest - Black

Type with comfort on any size keyboard with this wrist rest. Thanks to the foam filling, the weight of your wrists is spread equally, not focused on a specific point like with a gel pad. This provides comfortable support for your wrists whilst reducing s…
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Type with comfort on any size keyboard with this wrist rest. Thanks to the foam filling, the weight of your wrists is spread equally, not focused on a specific point like with a gel pad. This provides comfortable support for your wrists whilst reducing strain on them. Features Foam filling supports and reduces strain on the wrists Equal pressure-point distribution Improved typing comfort thanks to the raised position of the wrists Comfortable, velvety soft covering Non-slip rubberised base Also suitable for wide keyboards with number pads


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Speedlink - Sateen Ergonomic Keyboard Wristpad - Wrist Rest - Black
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