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Stelton - Arne Jacobsen Cylinda - Sugar bowl



The Arne Jacobsen sugar bowl is a classic, cylindrical-shaped design item. The bowl has a neat lid to protect the sugar. The lid has a practical opening for the sugar spoon to allow the spoon to remain in the bowl. The sugar bowl is made of stainlessstee…
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The Arne Jacobsen sugar bowl is a classic, cylindrical-shaped design item. The bowl has a neat lid to protect the sugar. The lid has a practical opening for the sugar spoon to allow the spoon to remain in the bowl. The sugar bowl is made of stainlesssteel as the rest of the cylinda-line range.

  • Designer: Arne Jacobsen

  • Material: 18, 8 stainless steel

  • Volume: 0,2L

  • Size: H: 5,5 CM Ø: 7,5 CM

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Stelton - Arne Jacobsen Cylinda - Sugar bowl
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