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Sushi Maker - Maki Master (04748)



The Maki Master is convenient to use and perfect for making Sushi at home. Become a professional sushi chef with the Maki Master. In a few simple steps you can make the most beautiful sushi rolls with your ingredients of choice. The Maki Master is very d…
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The Maki Master is convenient to use and perfect for making Sushi at home. Become a professional sushi chef with the Maki Master. In a few simple steps you can make the most beautiful sushi rolls with your ingredients of choice. The Maki Master is very durable because it's made out of 100% bamboo, and therefore can be easily cleaned after use.  

  • Material: 100% bamboo
  • Dimensions Maki Mold – 20 x 6 x 6 cm
  • Dimensions Bamboo Rod – 23 x 13 x 4 cm
  • Dimensions Bamboo Presser –20 x 6 x 3,5 cm

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SKU númer
Sushi Maker - Maki Master (04748)

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