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That's Mine - Nori pram pillow shell Bouquet Rouge

Our pram pillow is shaped like a shell and is made out of 100% organic cotton. The Pram pillow comes in many diffrent colors and prints. The pram pillow will make your kid comfortable and support them while in the pram. Make new memories with your kid as…
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Our pram pillow is shaped like a shell and is made out of 100% organic cotton. The Pram pillow comes in many diffrent colors and prints.

The pram pillow will make your kid comfortable and support them while in the pram. Make new memories with your kid as they experience the big wide world for the first time.

We recommend using the pillow from 6 months and up or until your child can sit up by themselves.


Wash cold (max 30°C)

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That's Mine - Nori pram pillow shell Bouquet Rouge
Bouquet Rouge

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