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TRIKEM - Hyaluron 3L - (822.7322)



"High molecular weight hyaluronic acid for the horse's joint fluid. Hyaluronic acid is a body's own substance that gives the joint fluid its shock-absorbing ability and allows the joint surfaces to slide more easily against each other. Shock absorption a…
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"High molecular weight hyaluronic acid for the horse's joint fluid. Hyaluronic acid is a body's own substance that gives the joint fluid its shock-absorbing ability and allows the joint surfaces to slide more easily against each other. Shock absorption and friction-free movement contribute to the joint having the right conditions to function normally. Recommended for horses that train and compete actively, as well as for the older individual showing joint stiffness or early signs of joint stiffness."

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TRIKEM - Hyaluron 3L - (822.7322)

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