Pantanir og stillingar

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Við erum með verðábyrgð, þannig að ef þú finnur þessa vöru ódýrari einhvers staðar annars staðar geturðu haft samband við þjónustuver okkar um

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TRIKEM - Msm 4Kg - (822.7274)



"MSM consists of the organic sulfur compound methylsulfonylmethane. MSM is involved in the formation of the body's collagen and keratin. Collagen, in turn, is involved in the structure of muscles, joints, fur, and skin. MSM is also involved in the body's…
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"MSM consists of the organic sulfur compound methylsulfonylmethane. MSM is involved in the formation of the body's collagen and keratin. Collagen, in turn, is involved in the structure of muscles, joints, fur, and skin. MSM is also involved in the body's formation of new cells found in muscle tissue, bone tissue, and connective tissue. Connective tissue is what makes tendons and ligaments strong and elastic. Can be given to horses that are experiencing problems with muscles, joints, skin, and fur."

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SKU númer
TRIKEM - Msm 4Kg - (822.7274)

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