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We Do Wood - Lily's Chair OAK


We Do Wood

Functional and simple childrens chair in timeless design. Lilly’s Chair brings a new dimension into children’s furniture. This children’s chair was designed as an elegant, timeless and functional piece of furniture that can easily be placed in any room, …
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Functional and simple childrens chair in timeless design. Lilly’s Chair brings a new dimension into children’s furniture. This children’s chair was designed as an elegant, timeless and functional piece of furniture that can easily be placed in any room, without standing out as a childish item.

Together with Geo’s Table you will have children’s furniture that will last through generations.
Product Info
Delivered in a flat package, final assembly done at home. Watch assembly instruction video for tips and tricks. 

  • Design: Sebastian Jørgensen
  • Size: H:47 x D:37 x W:39
  • Material: Oak Veneer, Plywood

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We Do Wood - Lily's Chair OAK

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